May 2023 Newsletter


A Note From Our Chair

Lily Newfarmer

Happy Spring!

I’m pleased to report that our 2nd Annual Meeting of members was successfully conducted in April, with 60 members attending. This is roughly one-third of our membership, and we appreciate the time and interest you give to CUWLA.

I also want to extend my sincere appreciation to those of you who were able to attend our Member Meet-up at the Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) in February, and for those of you who were able to attend the Herb Wegner Dinner. Your commitment to CUWLA has been inspiring, and it has been my great pleasure to see so many of our members at these and other events. What’s even more inspiring, is the interest CUWLA has generated among potential members, credit union business partners, and industry leaders.

Just three short years ago, CUWLA was an unknown alliance of like-minded leaders seeking solidarity and solutions. Today, with nearly 170 members, and a reach of 2,000 plus, CUWLA has become a much sought-after alliance for innumerable women CEOs of smaller credit unions facing like-kind challenges. Our growth has been phenomenal and, with your help, I’m confident we can surpass our goal of 250 members by year-end.

As with our own credit unions, membership growth is essential and best accomplished via referrals. It’s important that everyone does her part to build the sustainability of CUWLA to ensure the continuity of smaller credit unions in our industry. Basecamp has sample email language you can share with potential members, should you need help in formulating your message. Meanwhile, we are working on a marketing campaign to help grow membership to build our network.

I encourage each of you to take advantage of your membership benefits. Our monthly Meet and Greet events are a staple program for information sharing and idea exchanges. I highly encourage you to attend at least one of the Meet and Greets to get to know your peers and build a support network to provide mutually beneficial relationships among members of our group.

And don’t forget about the invaluable conversations that are happening on the MEMBER CONNECTION. This, along with quarterly Power Hours, the annual NCUF workshops, and the Coaching program are all part of your annual membership. If you have any questions about any of these benefits, please feel free to contact Executive Director, Linda White, or ping her or me on Basecamp.

I’m looking forward to catching up with those of you attending our second annual conference in California in September and hope to see many of you there. Until then, be safe, be kind, and be your best self.


Membership Now Open

Celebrate Diversity with CU Pride

CUPride logo

Exciting news! CU Pride is now open for membership. Join now at CU Pride to be part of a growing movement promoting diversity and inclusivity within credit unions.

CUPRIDE™️ LGBTQ+ Association for Credit Unions

As a CUWLA member, you qualify for the exclusive $500 Organizational Ally level membership for 2023. This grants all your employees organizational access to CU Pride’s benefits. Individual membership is also available.

By joining CU Pride, you gain access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and industry events. Strengthen your credit union’s culture and our collective impact.

Visit the CU Pride website to learn more and join today. Let’s unite and support diversity in our CU community!


Let Us Know!

We love to shout out our members! If you’ve been interviewed or are aware of other member interviews, please send the information to so we can share them.


Tammy Passafiume

Our esteemed member and founder, Tammy Passafiume, has been appointed as the new Chair of the Cornerstone League Board. It is with great pleasure and pride that we extend our warmest congratulations to Tammy on this remarkable achievement.

Tammy has consistently demonstrated her unwavering commitment to the credit union movement, and her appointment as Chair is a testament to her outstanding leadership skills and dedication to advancing our industry. With her vast experience and insightful perspective, we are confident that she will excel in her new role and bring invaluable contributions to the Cornerstone League Board. From all of us here at CUWLA, congratulations on this accomplishment!


Mark Your Calendars

Registration for both events will be emailed and posted in Basecamp, so be on the lookout. We can’t wait to see you there!
A special thank you to CUNA and CUNA Mutual for their support of CUWLA.